Posts by Jewish Dallas

JFGD Succeeds in Securing $2 Million in State Funds for Non-Profit Security

JFGD is proud of the successful efforts to secure $2 million in state-level dollars in the 2024-2025 State Budget, which will provide available funding for more grant requests to help ensure the safety and security of all Texans.

Honoring Our Visionary Board Chair, Bill Finkelstein

Dear Bill,

Powered by your leadership during your tenure as Board Chair, JFGD has achieved several significant milestones and implemented valuable initiatives that have positively impacted our organization and the Jewish Dallas community.

  • Relaunching the Dallas Israel Teen Tour: Your v…

Shavuot: Nurturing Covenant, Inspiring Learning, Embracing Unity

In the heart of Jewish Dallas, Shavuot approaches—a sacred occasion that echoes the momentous receiving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. It is a time for deep reflection, spiritual connection, and communal renewal. The Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas upholds the values of Covenant, Learnin…