Please join us for Women’s Shabbat (formerly SISterhood Shabbat) on Friday, April 8 at 6 PM in Beck Sanctuary. Rabbi Shira Wallach will be leading us in joyous song and prayer along with Raquel Gershon and Shearith’s women’s choir Kol Neshama. Some of our congregational sisters will share brief memories of special Shabbat moments from their past, and a Torah mantle will be dedicated in memory of Barbara Burttschell, former SISterhood president (1971-1973), the first woman to open the ark at Shearith Israel during the High Holy Days, and mother of former SISterhood president Harrian Stern (1987-1989). During the delicious dinner following services, Rabbi Wallach will discuss her journey to becoming a rabbi. Cost for dinner is $15. Please send checks made out to Shearith Israel SISterhood to Roz Benjet at 14905 Havenshire Place, Dallas, TX 75254; checks must be received by Thursday, April 7. We look forward to seeing you on this very special Shabbat! Contacts: SISterhood Programming Co-Vice Presidents Roz Benjet ( or 214-766-2407) and Janet Jerrow ( or 214-392-2354).