
11 2021

What You Do Matters: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Virtual Event

6:00PM - 7:00PM  

$ Cost $ 118.00

The choices you make matter. At this difficult time for our nation—a time for reflection and action—members of the Museum community from South Florida and across the Southeast region will come together for a virtual tribute event.

Together, we will renew our pledge to ensure that the critical lessons of the Holocaust—lessons about the fragility of freedom, the nature of hate, and the consequences of indifference—help shape the way forward.

Join us to watch a moving experience with special guests—including Morgan Freeman, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jason Alexander, and Ray Allen—and hear inspiring stories and important messages about the Museum’s role during these challenging times.

This virtual experience is accessed with a minimum donation of $118 per household and registration is required. For questions or to discuss sponsorship opportunities, please contact the Southeast Regional Office at 561.995.6773 or southeast@ushmm.org.

Register online: ushmm.org/events/2021-SE-Event