
2 2019

Shearith Israel SISterhood Major Fundraising Event

7:30PM - 10:30PM  

Congregation Shearith Israel 9401 Douglas Ave.
Dallas, TX 75225


Contact Marcy Helfand

$ Cost $ 0.00

~~Cost: $75+

Shearith Israel SISterhood invites you to a Musical Evening with Nefesh Mountain, where bluegrass and old-time music meets Jewish heritage & tradition!

“Highly-effective blend of two spheres… only rarely have we heard a prominent
Jewish counterpoint to the gospel music that has been a part of bluegrass since Bill Monroe’s earliest recordings.”- Bluegrass Today

Join us for Raffle, Cocktails & Dinner, and Concert in Kaplan Auditorium at Shearith Israel. This event is open to the community. Tickets available online at https://www.shearith.org/major-fundraising-event.

Sponsor: Shearith Israel SISterhood
Information available at NefeshMountainTickets@gmail.com

Sponsor: Shearith Israel SISterhood