NEW EYES is a critically acclaimed one-woman show, starring Israeli-American actress, Yafit Josephson, that made its debut in Los Angeles in 2010 and has been a smash hit playing with rave reviews across the US for over 5 years. NEW EYES tells the life story of Yafit Josephson, a young woman living in Israel who joins the Israeli army as part of her mandatory service to her country. Upon completing her service, she moves to Los Angeles to follow her dream of becoming an actress but finds herself constantly cast as the villain. Just as her native country wrestles with the world's false perceptions, Yafit must decide how far she is willing to go to challenge, change, or accept how others see her, and what she is willing to risk to fulfill her dreams and destiny. NEW EYES explores universal themes of self-esteem, family relationships, identity and cultural differences. Yafit Josephson portrays 18 characters from over 5 different countries as she conveys her riveting and uplifting story, as she sees the world, and it sees her, through NEW EYES.
Sponsor: ISRAEL DALLAS CENTER, Congregation Shearith Israel, Israeli American Council