
26 2018

Israel at 70 presents Alon Ben-Gurion

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Congregation Shearith Israel 9401 Douglas Ave
Dallas, TX 75225

Contact Peta Silansky

Please join us as Alon Ben-Gurion shares historical and personal stories about the legacy of David Ben-Gurion and the establishment of the State of Israel. 


This program is presented by the Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas and the following community partners:
Aaron Family JCC, Adat Chaverim, Akiba Academy, AJC Dallas, American Associates Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Anti-Defamation League, ​Bnai Zion Foundation, BBYO NTO, Community Homes for Adults Inc., Congregation Anshai Torah, Congregation Beth El Binah, Congregation Beth Torah, Congregation Kol Ami, Congregation Nishmat Am, Congregation Shaare Tefilla, Congregation Shearith Israel, Dallas Holocaust Museum/ Center for Education and Tolerance, Dallas Jewish Historical Society, Dallas Kosher, Jewish Children’s Regional Service, Jewish Family Service, Levine Academy, Mesorah High School for Girls, Moishe House, North Texas Hillel, Stand With Us Texas, SMU Hillel, SMU Jewish Studies, Temple Emanu-El, Temple Shalom, Texas Jewish Arts Association, The Legacy Senior Communities, Inc., Tiferet Israel, University of Dallas, Yavneh Academy