
30 2018

Hadassah BINGO and Jewish Roots meeting

4:30PM - 8:45PM  

JCC of Dallas 7900 Northaven Red
Dallas, TX 75230

Contact Susie Avnery

Join Hadassah for BINGO 5-6:30 in tribute to Margaret Bender Smith & her mother Celia Byers Bender,
Light dinner served 6:30-7.
Chapter meeting 7-8:45pm. Vote on our Board Nominating Committee.
Speaker: Sylvia Bissel, who grew up in a Methodist home and discovered her Jewish roots and a love for Israel.
$5 suggested donation.
RSVPs to Vered Golan Vereddgolan@gmail.com and Jenifer Blum Texasblum@gmail.com
or to Hadassah office 214-691-1948
Transportation provided if requested in advance

Sponsor: Dallas Chapter of Hadassah