
12 2019

Compassion Fatigue Symposium

7:30AM - 4:30PM  

Lover's Lane United Methodist Church
Event Website: https://www.educaredallas.com/cfs 9200 Inwood Rd.
Dallas, TX 75220
214-263-2826 (Phone)
214-522-9599​​ (Fax)

Healing others often leaves caregivers with little time or energy to heal themselves. Compassion Fatigue Symposium educates caregivers through interactive professional support and training on self-healing techniques. The Symposium targets those who experience emotional and physical fatigue common to professional and personal caregivers.
Ed-U-CARE, Inc. aims to increase awareness for these individuals who are unable to refuel and regenerate on their own. This day-long event is offered at a minimal cost so all those affected are able to attend.

Sponsor: Ed-U-CARE, INC. an AARP Texas