
11 2016

Birthright Israel Foundation Spring Event

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Contact Stuart Newberg
Event Coordinator in NY Office - Adina Kissner 212-419-2881, she will most likely attend the event
(O) 512-346-9229, (M) 512-585-9558

Dessert reception for Birthright Israel Foundation at the home of Todd and Laurie Platt. Objective is to update and educate about Birthright Israel program features and measured impact on our Jewish, young adult community. Will also have a featured topical speaker and a Birthright Alumni speaker, culminating with an ask of Donor support for the organization. Looking to incorporate Dallas Community's Birthright trip for Summer '16, and possibly Moishe House and/or YAD and their Birthright Alumni.

Sponsor: Birthright Israel Foundation, local lay leaders Allen Bodzy and Stuart Prescott